Friday, May 11, 2007

Still Waiting.......

In case you are wondering what ever became of the news I have been waiting for, the answer is that I am still waiting!!! Of course, in corporate America, things take time. Ughh............. I need to know that I have this gig. I mean I want it desperately and am trying SO HARD to act like I don't, which is probably stupid. Of course, I am lying to myself.

Jobs are so hard to come by- good jobs, I mean. By that, I mean one where you gel with your co-workers, don't have a too terrible boss, still feel as if you've done something productive by the end of the day, AND earn enough to feel valued. I think this is the one I have been waiting for.

So, will post as soon as I know anything. What is your dream job and have you ever had it and lost it? Or are you still waiting ( like me) for it all to fall into place?

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