Friday, May 11, 2007

A Muse Next Door........

I live in a very artsy neighborhood- Park Slope. I love living here and fit right in with the artist/writer/musician groove that runs rampant. There are always several people in coffee shops with laptops in hand, who are trying to make a living out of freelancing.One of my favorite people is my neighbor next door. It seems that whenever I am superbusy and haven't had enough time to dedicate to my writing, I will see him. He's a rather quiet, elderly gentleman and he's always happy. I don't see him too often even though he's next door, but whenever I do see him, he'll always ask about my writing. "How is your writing coming along?" Or 'Have you had any time for your writing lately?'So, of course, after I see him, I always put aside, make time that I do not have to write- even if it's only for a short time. When you have three kids, a day job, and all the various other things that consitute a life, mundane things like grocery shopping or buying gifts, or attending boring parties, baby showers, birthday parties, seem to steal your mojo.Luckily, I have a walking, talking muse right next door, who is always eager to urge me to keep going.

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